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Lodge Burroughs Strange No. 87
Vijayawada, India

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Article on Freemasonry - 46

Masonic Light - A Symbol of Truth and Knowledge

by R.W. Bro S. Kandaswamy Mudaliar, P.A.G.M., P.Dy.R.G.M.,

In Masonic Initiation, the candidate with no light within him is admitted as if groping in the dark. When asked for his predominant wish, he answers "L...". The blessing of material light is restored to him. The symbolic material light thus restored to the candidates Masonry considers is nothing other than the symbol of truth and knowledge. "The Light of all Lights; He is said to be beyond darkness; knowledge, the knowable, the goal of knowledge, seated in the hearts of all" Ramakrishna in the following passage. "He who realizes lswara in his heart is able to realize Him outside too. He who has not known Him within himself, cannot cognize Him elsewhere. Therefore, he who sees God in his heart sees Him everywhere. References to the Sun at its meridian, the setting Sun, the governing Moon and the Stars; the symbolism of this light in the Ritual indicate the importance attached in the teachings of our Fraternity to this truth and knowledge. This quest for illumination, a desire of the candidate for more and more light for Truth and Knowledge is progressively fulfilled to the candidate. The Chief aim of Masonry therefore is to instill Truth and convey knowledge to its aspirants. According to William Preston, to whom the Craft is very much indebted. Lodge becomes a School Room; The Master, a teacher; the candidate, a pur. In this orderly fashion he says, the whole system of learning is set forth for the five senses to the fine arts-making abundantly clear that no man of remain a genuine Mason who holds truth lightly or choses to remain ignorance. "The liar and the ignoramus may somehow get into Masonry, I no Masonry can get into them".

Truth and knowledge are not the same. Truth is desired and sought for the sake of living happily and the items of information, which we need to has in order to know the Truth, is knowledge. As human beings, we are influence in the midst of life. We are set in the midst of a world in the background Nature, a system of positive forces. The meridian Sun, the setting Sun a the governing Moon by day and night influence our existence with nature processes. Likewise the life of other human beings impinge upon us the lives interacting with ours. The forces in our own selves - our body, minemotions and volitions are also constantly at play. Thus life goes in incessantly influencing and being influenced. If we know how to operate, organi and govern the force of our life, we derive great benefit form them and gane balance, poise and efficiency. So a harmonious adjustment with the prop understanding of the forces of nature, the world, and ourselves, our life made full, rich and happy Truth is therefore our realisation of what nature the world and life really are. The Mason in effect is one who desires tru and seeks knowledge in order to live happily.

Truth must be sought for. It is not an entity lying outside us. "It is living and changing thing, which must ever more be possessed a new, a far which is hauntingly bodied forth in our legend of the Lost Word, and or search therefor". Truth is not something that can be handed by one another. Each Mason must go in search for it and win it for himself. Be there are countless ways in which we can help each other to find the light None can come into possession of the Light by virtue only belonging to Creed. Masonry do not claim to have a creed. If one is to be a truth seeker, he must be open minded; willing to learn unlearn; be prepared revise his opinions to conform to newly learned facts and not be afraid of departing from the crowd if the light leads him new directions. A Mason must be free himself, if he is to find the light and also be willing to accept others to be equally free. This is toleration and really means that if one goes in search for his Lost Word, he may choose his own path and also not place obstacles in the path followed by others. Masonry respects this is as much as the Sacred writing of all the members adorn the Holy Altar in the Lodges.

Masonry would not countenance ignorance and so aims at liquidating the mental darkness of the aspirant. Enlightenment is a thing which every Mason stands pledged to seek and seek he must if he is to be a Mason in fact as well in name. Considering the ample opportunities to learn Knowledge and Truth, there is no excuse for ignorance. The acquisition of knowledge is for every Man's own choosing, Masonry offers no recipe for an education. He may learn from books, gain information by himself or from a master. He may learn from experience, observation and from his work. Right through the Ceremonies of the three degrees, the Masonic aspirant is hinted to study the hidden mysteries of Nature and Science; the liberal arts and Geometry the basis of our art. Finally his attention is directed to the most interesting of all human studies; the knowledge of himself and to listen to the voice of nature. He is asked to establish their value and persevere steadily in the practice of every virtue. By making such progress, he is enjoined to afford the best example for the conduct of others. "Whatsoever the superior person does that is followed by others. What he demonstrates by action, that people follow'. (Bhagavad Gita - Chapter 3 - Verse 21).

The greater Truths are too vast to be won easily and mankind has to strive hard to discover the whole of Truth. It always opens before us like an ever-receding goal. But ever more must we continue to seek it, even as a Masonic candidate, assisted by the Rituals in such ways as is possible, and amidst obstacles, gradually through the darkness makes his progress from station to station, from degree, seeking light and more light for that mystic Word Which is Truth itself.

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